Friday, March 11, 2011

Sirsa - Not the Register a case Youth Congress will display

Kalanwali police on the early public health department Junior Engineer Ramrakha Register a case not so young will be performed by Congress against it. This statement said by new city congress present Mr. Om Prakash Luhani.

Noted that on Wednesday night Junior Engineer Ramrakha by the Om Prakash Luhani had threatened to kill on Mobile and Luhani in the station had complained. The prospect of agreement on both sides of the case by the police not to enter because the and Luhani resentment expressed by the saying that the police did not Register a case soon to be performed by the Youth Congress and Deputy Commissioner and Superintendent will meet with the matter. The case with Congressman Major Singh Khartawan , Dr. Mangat Hatsu, including Billa Kabadia many people on both sides have been involved in efforts to get agreement.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Home :  Panchkula : Ambala : Yamunanagar : Kurukshetra : Kaithal : Karnal : Panipat  : Sonepat : Rohtak :  Jhajjar : Gurgaon : Faridabad : Rewari  : Mahendergarh : Bhiwani : Hissar : Jind : Fatehabad : Sirsa : Mewat

The name of the district is derived from its headquarters Sirsa. It is said to be one of the oldest places of North India and its ancient name was Sairishaka, which finds mention in Mahabharata, Panini's Ashatadhayayi and Divyavadan. In Mahabharata, Sairishaka is described as being taken by Nakula in his conquest of the western quarter. It must have been a flourishing city in the 5th century B.C. as it has been mentioned by Panini.
There are a number of legends about the origin of the name of the town. As mentioned earlier, its ancient name was Sairishaka and from that it seems to have been corrupted to Sirsa. According to local tradition, an unknown king named Saras founded the town in 7th century A.D. and built a fort. The material remains of an ancient fort can still be seen in the South-East of the present town. It is about 5 kilometers in circuit. According to another tradition, the name has its origin from the sacred river Sarasvati which one flowed near it. During medieval period, the town was known as Sarsuti. It has been mentioned as Sarsuti by a number of medieval historians. The derivation of name Sirsa, is also attributed to the abundance of siris trees[Albizia lebbock (Benth)] in the neighborhood of Sirsa which seems quite plausible for it finds some corroboration also in Panini and his commentator. In ancient period, Sirsa was also known as Sirsapattan.

Airbase Sirsa

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